PADb by Inter_site Collective, Felipe Van Laar and Victoria Ahrens & PADa by Katie Eraser, Aino Lintunen, Natasha Lubis, Gulja Holland and Victoria Ahrens
Curated by Thyra Dragseth
August 2022
Aino Lintunen, To hold, oil on canvas, 50 x 35 cm.
Victoria Ahrens, Nostalgia for the Shadows, photographic prints on vegetal paper, hand made frames. Projected video 4’ 20”. 120 x 19 cm.
Natasha Lubis, Nocturnal Garden, mix media on printed archival paper, 92 x 89 cm.
Victoria Ahrens, Caput Mortuum, polaroid emulsion lift on found rocks, varied sizes.
Natasha Lubis, Living Residue IV (part of collaborative polyptych), acrylic on canvas, 60 x 40cm.
Ġulja Holland, Full Bloom, acrylic & charcoal on canvas, 183 x 121 cm.
Katie Eraser, Detail of Whose gayze is it anyway?, oil and oil stick on canvas, wood & acrylic, 243 x 350 cm.
Ġulja Holland, Song of the Sirens, acrylic & charcoal on canvas, 183 x 121 cm.
Aino Lintunen, Katve, oil on canvas, painted wood, oyster shells collected from Barreiro beach, 158 x 124 cm.